28th July 2023

'the ear' reviews the Amati loudspeakers from Sonus faber and discover they sound even better than they look


'the ear' reviews the Amati loudspeakers from Sonus faber and discover they sound even better than they look

A big thank you to Jason Kennedy at 'the ear' for taking time to review the new Amati loudspeaker from Sonus faber.

In summary, 'the ear' wrote, "Sonus faber makes larger and more expensive loudspeakers than this so there must be more to hear, but what I hear from the Amati G5 is more than enough to want to go on listening for a very long time."

Read the full review here.

Find your nearest Sonus faber dealer here.

"It’s all part of an inspiring performance that the Amati G5s describe so beautifully that I couldn’t help but be moved when the audience roars its enthusiasm at the end". - the ear

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