25th November 2022

'the ear' reviews the beautiful Sonus faber Olympica Nova I loudspeakers


'the ear' reviews the beautiful Sonus faber Olympica Nova I loudspeakers

"Moving across the room, to answer the telephone, I became aware of the phenomenal off-axis abilities of the Nova 1 which created remarkably lifelike sounds many degrees ‘off’".

In the review, 'the ear' wrote:

Probably the most exquisite compact loudspeaker I have had the privilege to gaze upon in my own system, the Olympica Nova 1 sets new standards in its class. Paolo Tezzon’s design is elegant beyond measure and the engineering standards supreme, build-quality to the highest standard.

Loudspeakers though are about sound and here, too, the design does not disappoint since Sonus faber have managed some kind of audio alchemy to achieve so much from a cabinet of this size, using such diminutive drivers. Matched with a suitable amplifier it will generate some of the most beautiful sounds you will hear. I am very sad to see them go. A winner in style and sound across all music genres and that tell-tale of loudspeaker ability, the human voice.”

Read the full review here.

View the Olympica Nova 1 here.

Find your nearest Sonus faber dealer here.

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