4th June 2022

What Hi-Fi reviews the Sonus Faber Minima Amator II speakers


What Hi-Fi reviews the Sonus Faber Minima Amator II speakers

What Hi-Fi awards the Sonus faber Minima Amator II speakers '5 stars'.

In conclusion, they wrote:

'...the musical thrill of listening to these Sonus Fabers is hard to ignore. Add the luxurious build, compact size and the rare aura of ‘specialness’ they have and we've no choice but to give the Minima Amator II a warm recommendation.'

Read the full review here.

Find out more about the Minima Amator II here.

Find your nearest Sonus faber specialist here.

These are the kind of speakers that put the spotlight on the music and allow the mechanics of hi-fi to fade into the background.

There’s a lovely sense of palpability here that eludes most rivals, and that draws us into the music.

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