McIntosh Warranty Policy (UK)

McIntosh Warranty Policy (UK)

Welcome to the family of McIntosh owners. This is the Warranty for your new McIntosh Home Electronic Product (the “Product”). Your Product has been designed to give many years of trouble-free performance. Nonetheless, failures do sometimes occur even with equipment as well-built as McIntosh’s. Therefore, please read this Warranty carefully, because it contains rights, as well as limitations, exclusions, and obligations, which in the event of such a failure may be very important to you.

If after reading it thoroughly, you have any questions about the Warranty, please do not hesitate to contact your Authorised McIntosh Dealer or Fine Sounds UK.

Please note that this is the only Warranty which McIntosh provides for your Product, and that no one, including your dealer, has any authority to either modify or expand upon this Warranty.

If your dealer has offered or made any warranties or representations concerning the Product which differ from those contained in this Warranty, they are strictly between you and the dealer, and will neither be binding upon McIntosh nor change any of the provisions in this Warranty.

Please also note, that if your Product ever does require Warranty service, obtaining such service will be much easier if you have completed your Product Registration. To do so, either fill in the enclosed Warranty Registration Card, or create an account online here.


Subject to the terms and conditions stated below, McIntosh Laboratory, Inc. (“McIntosh”) warrants to the original owner that this Product shall be free from defects in workmanship or materials for a term of three (3) years from the date when it was purchased from an Authorised McIntosh Dealer. Provided, however, that rather than the three (3) years of coverage afforded the Product generally, where applicable, vacuum tubes contained in our Products are warranted for 90 days from the date of purchase, hard disc drives and projector lamps contained in our Products are warranted for one (1) year from the date of purchase.


This Warranty and all rights provided here under are limited to the original owner. In the event that the original owner transfers ownership of the Product prior to expiration of the three-(3) year term, this Warranty shall terminate in its entirety upon the date of such transfer. In addition, McIntosh does not warrant in any way Products which are purchased from anyone who is not an Authorized McIntosh Dealer, or which have had their Serial Numbers altered or defaced. Therefore this Warranty is void and inapplicable if this Product has been purchased from someone other than an Authorised McIntosh Dealer, or has had its original Serial Numbers altered or defaced.


Certain McIntosh Products include an interface that enables access to services (including data) that are provided by third parties unrelated to McIntosh (such as, by way of example only, Amazon Cloud, Spotify, Gracenote, etc.). Some of these services require separate customer subscriptions and some do not; and some may be supported by and compatible with the McIntosh Product while others may not. Merely providing the capability to access such services is not to be construed as making McIntosh the provider of, or responsible for, the services, or for continuing to support or make such access available; and McIntosh expressly disclaims any such responsibility. Because McIntosh cannot control the providers of such services or the services themselves, and similarly cannot control the communication systems and networks that connect the Products’ interfaces to the services, McIntosh cannot and does not warrant against, and shall have no liability of any kind for, any of the following that are related to third party services, the providers of those services, or the systems or networks by which the McIntosh Product communicates with the services: (i) unavailability, lack of compatibility or functionality, interruption, discontinuance, or loss of service, or other unsatisfactory performance, act, or omission; (ii)loss or unauthorised use or disclosure of, or damage to, personal information, recordings, or other data; (iii) reduced functionality of the McIntosh Product; or (iv) any other loss or damage of any kind.McIntosh likewise does not warrant against, and shall have no liability for, any failure of its Products to satisfactorily process any externally sourced data where such failure is attributable in whole or in part to the makeup of the data itself or to a non-McIntosh product, system, or service that is the source of the data or that provides access to the data.


In the event of any defect covered by this Warranty, McIntosh shall without charge provide all parts, materials, and labor necessary to restore the Product to its original specifications. After repair, McIntosh shall return the Product to its owner at the owner’s expense. In the alternative, McIntosh may at its sole option either replace the Product without charge, or if replacement is not commercially practicable or repair or replacement cannot be accomplished within a reasonable time, McIntosh may refund the purchase price of the Product, subject where appropriate to reasonable depreciation for actual use in accordance with applicable laws, in full satisfaction of its warranty obligations. McIntosh or its Authorised Service Agency will undertake to complete the repair and return of the Product as soon as circumstances permit, unless prevented by causes beyond their reasonable control.


McIntosh’s sole Obligation under this Warranty shall be to repair or replace the Product, or at its option refund the purchase price, as provided for hereinabove. McIntosh does not warrant against, nor shall it be liable for, any of the following: removal or installation charges; shipping expenses either to or from McIntosh or its Authorised Service Agency; loss of use; property damage of any kind; or other incidental or consequential damages or losses of any kind.


This Warranty does not cover any of the following: (a) glass panels, cabinetry, trim, or other appearance items (except where they are defective at the time of original sale and the Product is delivered for repair within the first thirty (30) days thereafter); (b) batteries, or damage to the Product caused by failure of batteries; (c) or damage to the Product caused by failure of projector lamp; (d) loss of, or damage or corruption to, digital data, files, or other information content of any kind, regardless of cause; (e) failures arising from accident, catastrophe, misuse, neglect, or failure to properly connect and operate the Product in accordance with the accompanying instructions; (f) failures arising from improper installation or removal of the Product; or (g) failures arising from any tampering, alteration, or damage to the Product or attempted servicing of the Product by anyone other than McIntosh or an Authorised McIntosh Service Agency; and McIntosh shall have no liability or obligation of any kind with respect to any of the foregoing types of failures.


All warranty claims must be initiated with the original dealer from which the product was purchased. Any defect or malfunction shall be promptly reported upon discovery. In most instances, the dealer will address the issue or make arrangements for repair through the Sonus faber distributor (Fine Sounds UK) or the Authorised McIntosh Service Agency. .


As noted above, the owner must pay any expense of removing the Product from its installation, and must pay any expenses for delivery of the Product to McIntosh or the Authorised McIntosh Service Agency. Upon return of the Product to the owner following repair, it shall be the owner’s responsibility to pay for the shipping charges incurred in return of the Product, as well as to arrange and pay for any re-installation which may be required. In addition, it shall be the owner’s obligation to pay for any repairs made to any Product for which the owner has neither completed and submitted the Warranty Registration Card at the time of purchase nor included the original sales receipt with the Product when delivered for service, at McIntosh’s or its Authorised Service Agency’s then-current repair rates.

Last update 27/08/2024

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